7,486 research outputs found

    Triclosan Adsorption Using Wastewater Biosolids-derived Biochar

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    Organic micropollutants are ubiquitous in the environment and stem from municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges. Adsorption can be used as a tertiary treatment to complement the conventional activated sludge process to remove micropollutants prior to discharge. This research evaluated the performance of wastewater biosolids-derived biochar as an adsorbent to remove triclosan from water. Pre-conditioning of the biochar using hydrochloric acid (HCl) was an essential step for triclosan adsorption. Using acid-conditioned biochar, maximum adsorption of 872 μg triclosan per g biochar was achieved with biochar produced at 800 °C. Biochar produced at higher pyrolysis temperatures tended to have higher triclosan sorption capacity using initial triclosan concentrations of 200 μg L−1 levels. However, pyrolysis temperature had less impact on triclosan sorption at lower, environmentally relevant concentrations. Low solution pH (3) enhanced adsorption and high pH (11) inhibited adsorption. Effective triclosan sorption was observed between pH 5 and 9, with little variation, which is positive for practical applications operated at near-neutral solution pH. In wastewater, acid-treated biochar also effectively sorbed triclosan, albeit at a decreased adsorption capacity and removal rate due to competition from other organic constituents. This study indicated that adsorption may occur mainly due to high surface area, hydrophobicity, and potential interaction between biochar and triclosan functional groups including hydrogen bonding and π-stacking. This work demonstrated that acid-conditioned biosolids-derived biochar could be a suitable sorbent to remove triclosan from wastewater as a final polishing treatment step

    Fate and Impacts of Triclosan, Sulfamethoxazole, and 17β-estradiol during Nutrient Recovery via ion Exchange and Struvite Precipitation

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    Increasing emphasis on resource recovery from wastewater highlights the importance of capturing valuable products, e.g., nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, while removing contaminants, e.g., organic micropollutants. The objective of this research was to evaluate the fate of the micropollutants triclosan (present as a mixture of neutral and anionic species at neutral pH), 17β-estradiol (neutral at neutral pH), and sulfamethoxazole (anionic at neutral pH) during nutrient recovery using ion exchange-precipitation. Adsorption of the three micropollutants to the phosphate-selective ion exchange resins LayneRT and DOW-HFO-Cu ranged from 54% to 88% in Milli-Q water tests and 50% to 71% in wastewater tests using anaerobic effluent. The micropollutants did not sorb to the ammonium-selective exchanger, clinoptilolite. The presence of the micropollutants reduced the kinetic rates of nutrient exchange onto ion exchangers. However, the micropollutants did not interfere with nutrient capacity on the ion exchangers, likely due to the low concentration of micropollutants and potentially different mechanisms of adsorption (i.e., Coulombic and non-Coulombic attractions for micropollutants) compared to the target ions. Micropollutants that sorbed to the phosphate exchangers were released with phosphate ions during regeneration. Concentrations of NaOH and NaCl in regeneration solutions did not correlate with micropollutant desorption. Among the micropollutants studied, the more hydrophobic triclosan and 17β-estradiol adsorbed to the resins to greater extents. These compounds also demonstrated lower desorption rates than sulfamethoxazole during regeneration in Milli-Q water tests. Batch struvite precipitation tests revealed that the micropollutants were not enmeshed in precipitated struvite crystals nor sorbed during crystallization, indicating that the struvite product was free of triclosan, 17β-estradiol, and sulfamethoxazole

    Biosolids-Derived Biochar for Triclosan Removal from Wastewater

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    Micropollutants, including antibiotics, hormones, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, are discharged into the environment with liquid and solid effluent streams from water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). The objective of this research was to determine whether biosolids-derived biochar (BS-biochar) could be used as a sorbent in continuous flow-through columns to remove micropollutants as a polishing step for wastewater treatment. Triclosan (TCS) was selected as a representative micropollutant due to frequent detection in liquid effluents, residual biosolids, and surface waters. Bench-scale column experiments were conducted to determine the effect of flow rate and competition due to the presence of other organic micropollutants and inorganic nutrients on TCS adsorption to BS-biochar. TCS removal efficiency was compared in Milli-Q water and secondary wastewater effluent by using two commercial adsorbents: a granular activated carbon and a wood-based biochar. Increased removal of TCS was observed at lower flow rates (2.6 gpm/ft2) compared with higher flow rates (10.3 gpm/ft2). Presence of inorganic nutrients (NH4+ and PO43−) and organic micropollutants 17β-estradiol and sulfamethoxazole decreased adsorption of TCS to BS-biochar. TCS was sorbed to BS-biochar in wastewater, but percent removal decreased in wastewater relative to Milli-Q water. This study demonstrated that BS-biochar can remove TCS from wastewater in continuous flow-through columns, although to a lesser extent than activated carbon. An additional benefit of using BS-biochar is that WRRFs could re-activate biochar on-site by using a pyrolysis reactor

    Ion Exchange for Nutrient Recovery Coupled with Biosolids-Derived Biochar Pretreatment to Remove Micropollutants

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    Wastewater, especially anaerobic treatment effluent, contains high ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) and inorganic orthophosphate (PO4-P), which necessitate additional treatment to meet stringent discharge regulations. Ion exchange regeneration is a process that can be adopted for not only removing but also recovering nutrients. However, recovering nutrients by ion exchange from nutrient-rich effluents that also contain micropollutants (which typically pass through anaerobic treatment as well) may result in subsequent problems, since micropollutants could end up in ion exchange effluent, regenerant, or recovered fertilizer products. Micropollutant removal by a nonselective adsorbent, such as biosolids-derived biochar, before nutrient recovery processes would mitigate potential risks. The objective of this research was to evaluate the capability of biosolids-derived biochar as a pretreatment step for separating micropollutants from nutrient-rich water before ion exchange for nutrient recovery. In the presence of ammonium and phosphate, both pristine and regenerated biosolids-derived biochar could effectively adsorb triclosan (TCS) and estradiol (E2), and to a lesser extent, sulfamethoxazole (SMX) in batch sorption experiments. On the other hand, nutrient ions were not effectively adsorbed by biosolids-derived biochar. A continuous flow-through system consisting of columns in series filled with biochar, LayneRT, and then clinoptilolite was operated to test selective removal of micropollutants and nutrients in a flow-through system. The biochar column achieved more than 80% removal of influent TCS and E2, thereby reducing the chances of micropollutants being adsorbed by ion exchangers. Sulfamethoxazole removal through the biochar column was only 50%, indicating that biosolids-derived biochar would have to be optimized in the future for hydrophilic micropollutant removal. Influent nutrients were not effectively removed by the biochar column, but were captured in their respective selective ion exchanger columns. This research revealed that biosolids-derived biochar could be employed before ion exchange resins for removal of micropollutants from nutrient-rich water

    Inclusion of an Introduction to Infrastructure Course in a Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum

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    Civil infrastructure refers to the built environment (sometimes referred to as public works) and consists of roads, bridges, buildings, dams, levees, drinking water treatment facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, power generation and transmission facilities, communications, solid waste facilities, hazardous waste facilities, and other sectors. Although there is a need to train engineers who have a holistic view of infrastructure, there is evidence that civil and environmental engineering (CEE) programs have not fully addressed this increasingly recognized need. One effective approach to address this educational gap is to incorporate a course related to infrastructure into the curriculum for first-year or second-year civil and environmental engineering students. Therefore, this study assesses the current status of teaching such courses in the United States and identifies the incentives for, and the barriers against, incorporating an introduction to infrastructure course into schools’ current CEE curricula. Two distinct activities enabled these objectives. First, a questionnaire was distributed to CEE programs across the United States, to which 33 responses were received. The results indicated that although the majority of participants believe that offering such a course will benefit students by increasing the breadth of the curriculum and by providing a holistic view of CEE, barriers such as the maximum allowable credits for graduation, the lack of motivation within a department—either because such a course did not have a champion or because the department had no plans to revise their curriculum—and a lack of expertise among faculty members inhibited inclusion of the course in curricula. Second, three case studies demonstrating successful inclusion of an introduction to infrastructure course into the CEE curriculum were evaluated. Cases were collected from Marquette University, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and West Point CEE programs, and it was found that the key to success in including such a course is a motivated team of faculty members who are committed to educating students about different aspects of infrastructure. The results of the study can be used as a road map to help universities successfully incorporate an introduction to infrastructure course in their CEE programs

    Exploring scholarly data with Rexplore.

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    Despite the large number and variety of tools and services available today for exploring scholarly data, current support is still very limited in the context of sensemaking tasks, which go beyond standard search and ranking of authors and publications, and focus instead on i) understanding the dynamics of research areas, ii) relating authors ‘semantically’ (e.g., in terms of common interests or shared academic trajectories), or iii) performing fine-grained academic expert search along multiple dimensions. To address this gap we have developed a novel tool, Rexplore, which integrates statistical analysis, semantic technologies, and visual analytics to provide effective support for exploring and making sense of scholarly data. Here, we describe the main innovative elements of the tool and we present the results from a task-centric empirical evaluation, which shows that Rexplore is highly effective at providing support for the aforementioned sensemaking tasks. In addition, these results are robust both with respect to the background of the users (i.e., expert analysts vs. ‘ordinary’ users) and also with respect to whether the tasks are selected by the evaluators or proposed by the users themselves

    A strong 3.4 micron emission feature in comet Austin 1989c1

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    High resolution 2.8-4.0 micron spectra of the 'new' comet Austin 1989c1, taken on 15-16 May 1990 confirm the presence of the broad emission features around 3.4 and 3.52 micron seen in a number of bright comets and ascribed to organic material. Both the 3.4 micron band strength and the 3.52/3.36 micron flux ratios are among the largest so far observed. The data are consistent with the relationship between band strength and water production rate that was recently derived. Excess emission at 3.28 and 3.6 micron cannot be unambiguously identified as features due to the poor signal-to-noise ratio

    Meta-Analysis of Non-Reactive Phosphorus in Water, Wastewater, and Sludge, and Strategies to Convert it for Enhanced Phosphorus Removal and Recovery

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    Current and future trends indicate that mining of natural phosphorus (P) reserves is occurring faster than natural geologic replenishment. This mobilization has not only led to P supply concerns, but has also polluted many of the world\u27s freshwater bodies and oceans. Recovery and reuse of this nuisance P offers a long-term solution simultaneously addressing mineral P accessibility and P-based pollution. Available physical, chemical, and biological P removal/recovery processes can achieve low total P (TP) concentrations (≤100 μg/L) and some processes can also recover P for direct reuse as fertilizers (e.g., struvite). However, as shown by our meta-analysis of over 20,000 data points on P quantity and P form, the P in water matrices is not always present in the reactive P (RP) form that is most amenable to recovery for direct reuse. Thus, strategies for removing and recovering other P fractions in water/wastewater are essential to provide environmental protection via P removal and also advance the circular P economy via P recovery. Specifically, conversion of non-reactive P (NRP) to the more readily removable/recoverable RP form may offer a feasible approach; however, extremely limited data on such applications currently exist. This review investigates the role of NRP in various water matrices; identifies NRP conversion mechanisms; and evaluates biological, physical, thermal, and chemical processes with potential to enhance P removal and recovery by converting the NRP to RP. This information provides critical insights into future research needs and technology advancements to enhance P removal and recovery

    Adsorption of Organic Micropollutants to Biosolids-Derived Biochar: Estimation of Thermodynamic Parameters

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    This research quantified thermodynamic parameters to better understand the use of wastewater biosolids-derived biochar as an adsorbent to remove micropollutants. The objective of this research was to quantify adsorption capacity; isosteric heat; and change of enthalpy, entropy, and free energy characterizing adsorption reactions between biochar and micropollutants. Adsorption isotherms were developed using a range of temperatures for the micropollutants benzyldimethyldecylammonium chloride (BAC-C10) Carbamazepine (CBZ), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), and triclosan (TCS). The thermodynamic parameters derived from the isotherm data were used to assist in characterizing binding affinity, spontaneity, and mechanisms of adsorption. More polar compounds such as BAC-C10 and CBZ exhibited linear adsorption, indicating weak interactions with more polar amorphous moieties on the biochar surface. For the micropollutants that were present predominantly in the neutral form at pH 7 (CBZ, E2, EE2, and TCS), increasing hydrophobicity increased the extent of adsorption. The enthalpy change of adsorption and the positive correlation between hydrophobicity and change of entropy (R2=0.8) both suggest that hydrophobic interaction was the dominant adsorption mechanism for neutral compounds. Increases in adsorption with increasing temperature, together with the estimated thermodynamic parameters, indicated that the reactions were endothermic, meaning that higher temperatures should offer improved removal via adsorption. The negative free energy changes observed suggested that adsorption was spontaneous and that adsorption rates outcompete desorption rates. Under multi-solute conditions, the adsorption capacities for all compounds were suppressed to varying extents; however, the magnitude of changes in enthalpy and entropy were not affected by competitive multi-solute adsorption

    Indestructibility of Vopenka's Principle

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    We show that Vopenka's Principle and Vopenka cardinals are indestructible under reverse Easton forcing iterations of increasingly directed-closed partial orders, without the need for any preparatory forcing. As a consequence, we are able to prove the relative consistency of these large cardinal axioms with a variety of statements known to be independent of ZFC, such as the generalised continuum hypothesis, the existence of a definable well-order of the universe, and the existence of morasses at many cardinals.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to Israel Journal of Mathematic